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Children's Mental Health Advocate
Mental Health Advocate

Questions and Answers

Q: My 12 year old daughter has depression and has trouble staying awake for the first few classes of the day at school. Is there anything we can do to help her?

A: Depression can affect one's sleep cycle and the medications to treat it can also increase the sleepiness, particularly in the morning hours. Here are a few ideas you can try.

  • Ask the school to try to schedule active or interactive classes ( i.e., gym, music, tutoring) for the morning hours
  • Provide opportunities for her to move around during class (i.e., have her take the attendance to the school office, let her erase the board, let her walk in the back of the room)
  • Let her use a squishy exercise ball at her desk
  • Build a break opportunity into the class for her to energize doing something active
  • Use sensory integration activation strategies
  • Seat your daughter near the teacher

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